Orange oil is an essential oil produced by cells within the rind of an orange fruit (Citrus sinensis fruit). In contrast to most essential oils, it is extracted as a by-product of orange juice production by centrifugation, producing a cold-pressed oil. It is composed of mostly (greater than 90%) d-limonene, and is often used in place of pure d-limonene. D-limonene can be extracted from the oil by distillation.
Orange Oil (aromatherapy)
Expressed sweet orange oil is a pale orange- yellow to dark orange or olive-orange, occasionally brownish-orange colored mobile liquid which has a sweet, light and fresh, fruityaldehydic odor and flavor, distinctly reminiscent of the odor from a scratched sweet orange peel. Machine expressed oils are generally lighter in color, handpressed oils are usually darker (but not always).
Arctander, Steffen . Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin
citrus sinensis