Last minute preparations before the door open – Augustus booth in 2017.
Excitement is mounting here! Preparations are under way for the Augustus bi-annual trip to Paris in June. (“SIMPPAR” is “Salon International des MatieresPremieres pour la PARfumerie”). We really have to be there as a raw material supplier – Paris is the worldwide centre for perfumery after all.
Here’s what the organisers have to say:
The French Society of Perfumers created the International Exhibition of Raw Materials for Perfumery – SIMPPAR – in the early 90’s in order to enable its members to discover new ingredients and new suppliers. This exhibition has grown up over the years to become the largest show in Europe for perfume ingredients.
The number of foreign producers and manufacturers has increased consistently during the last 2 exhibitions, in 2015 and 2017, to represent nearly 40% of the exhibitors.
The XIVth edition will take place again over 2 days in the Grand Hall of EspaceChamperret in Paris, that can accommodate up to 100 exhibitors.
Lots of work to do here in what is becoming a tight time frame.
If you are visiting SIMPPAR this year – please to come and visit us – we will be in booth D24.